April 13, 2009 journal, we are pawns in the game but the end is very near I believe it is. The U.S. Navy performed a miracle in the Indian Ocean putting a monkey wrench in the spokes of the Somalian pirates that hijacked the Merck lines Alabama relief supplies for the eastern African nations of Somalia, Kenya and elsewhere. These crazy and desperate pirates hijacked their own ship loaded with free food and commodities for their people. This is like dogs taking food from their own litter for themselves. This makes me proud to be an American. This mega vessel carried hundreds of tons of needed relief supplies. The ship reached its port in Kenya but we could not sacrifice a brave captain willing to sail these dangerous waters to supply vital commodities to the world's poorest people. This makes more sense than fighting 2 foolish unwinable wars sacrificing our soldiers. It was still night when the sharpshooter Navy Seals opened fire on the 3 hijackers who obviously did not realize the Navy could see them. It was important to neutralize the one first that had a gun on Captain Richard Phillips using their powerful telescopes the enemy was dead before they heard the sound. My guess is they hooked the cable to the aft of the life boat secretly and began to tow it away from shore expecting they would be aroused. America is still the great breadbasket of the world from the wilderness of the promised land. The Giant Eagle wings given to the woman Israel in Revelation Ch 13 is Supreme. I kept thinking that surely the U.S. Navy will outsmart those hijackers sooner or later. A report says the hijackers agreed to be towed to calmer waters but the Navy knew to align them so when they opened that hatch they had seconds to fire 3 perfect shots. There is no doubt there are 2 sides to the Somalian Pirates story and like always we only hear the corporations side. I do not doubt the stories that the mob is paid to dump nuclear waste from Europe in the Somalia waters where 300 have died and many thousands are sick along their coastline in a small nation of 9 million people and such a vast shoreline to protect. I do not doubt that the Japanese are fishing their waters empty of fish with their brutally cruel dragnets as are spread across the world. I have seen their long fishnets in the Caribbean and would like to rip them up my very own self. The third war is nothing new for America, its the war on piracy in the Indian Ocean. We have been at war inside Somalia in recent years and only made the situation worse. I believe if we had helped them protect their coastline they would be fishing and not pirating. The no government of Somalia cannot protect its enormous coast line. Are those nuclear fish on our U.S. tables? Last night at Dover Air Force Base Delaware they unloaded 5 more caskets from Iraq while they tell us that Iraq is now at peace partly because they stop reporting explosions like the Fed stop reporting how much money they were dumping into the system daily to keep it afloat. That is fresh brand new printed or authorized money diluting the currency. The heinous butcher crime in Tracy California is equal to the Sharon Tate murder of 30 years ago. We are surrounded by demonic factions that manifest our doom such as the Guide Stones at Albertson Georgia as erected in 1972 by the ancient builders of Babel, calling for a reduction of world population to 450 million people for proper ecological balance of the universe. The Bilderbergers, the trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and many others are working feverishly planning our destruction and their elevation to greater world power. The Christian church today has been compromised repeatedly and now it is every man for himself. An update of the 50 year-old book Pawns in the Game by William Guy Carr has been run in the weekly Times Examiner here with half pages of text for 5 weeks confirming so much I have learned about the opposition to our freedom and our very existence. The Bohemian Grove of California accommodate powerful men every July from the many secret orders that plan and execute our doom. The Bohemian Club with their prominent members such as Rockefeller & Kissinger burn sacrifices in the belly of their giant owl idol similar to human sacrifices in Solomon's day. The book Pawn in the Game is basic for a foundation of understanding of today's mess. Pat Buchanan recommends we abolish Federal Reserve Act of 1913, (making us slaves). I have read half the book now by Larkin Rose describing his discovery that income tax is misrepresented in his book entitled Kicking the Dragon revealing how he went to prison for discovering the truth on section 861 which is enforced directly opposite from the text. The Treasury Department will beat your brains out rather than admit to the truth and such a case would set a precedent wherein they may have to return all income taxes collected. Most of the defense Rose had prepared representing himself pro-se was excluded by the judge from his trial including the law itself in 861 exempting U.S. income from taxes due to the Constitution. He was lucky to get out in one-year being convicted on hearsay and not the law itself. People pay on average I estimate of 50 percent of their income in some form of taxation like sales tax, property tax, garbage tax. Tax to make and tax to spend. He refers to the 12 jurors as couch potatoes (TV zombies never thinking for themselves). Heaven forbid anyone should ever read the law for themselves. The government may not have the money to continue those bloodletting wars if income tax was found to be illegal. The Pawns in the Game revisited names the enemies of the United States and its people beginning with the Cheney gang and the manifesto for tomorrow written before the Bssh presidency. I have been trying to chronicle these names for several years and I believe this is a complete list although Dick did not sign it personally, he headed it up with Paul Wolfowitz, one time president of the World Bank, Monsanto's man dangerous Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, Richard Pearle, John Bolton, Karl * Rove, Douglas Feith, Richard Armitage, William Kristol, Lewis Scooter Libby, Elliott Abrams, Robert Kagan, Michael Ledeen, and Henry Kissinger, the alleged "Godfather". These were the PNAC members in 2000 that developed a plan entitled Project for the New American Century, suggesting a catastrophic event in the USA such as a new Pearl Harbor to condition the people for war, the war of terror on terror. The attack on America was one year later. There is no doubt in my mind it was an inside job and that Israel was involved in 9*1*1. If you see any of these 16 characters anywhere on earth then turn and go the other way. The 16 characters include William Bennett who is reported to be in the league originally. It is widely believed this is all bringing us into a new world order one world government. Many Boston tea parties planned on April 15 protesting taxation without representation. I believe the hayday is over for Wall Street and the Federal Reserve as it is for the dollar.